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icp17 program 

Detailed Program

Plenary papers will be 45 minutes long, including the discussion time (15 minutes) and section papers will be 30 minutes long including time (10 minutes) for a few questions. The Organizing Committee is interested to increase the dialogue between young researchers and the experts as a strategy to motivate teachers and other paremiologic devotees to share their knowledge.

The poster time will be placed in later afternoon to allow an informal approach by all participants even though they have not contributed with any oral communication in the topics proposed for the general debates. The idea of those periods, out of the room walls, aims to reach hotel visitors and clients. By showing their materials all participants have the possibility to comment, discuss and listen from unknown people some issues related with the study of proverbs and proverbial expressions.


Along the week the social and cultural programs include the reception welcome, the entertainment and ceremony dinners and some organized visits in the city, according with participant wishes; other events can be seen in the cultural agenda of the Municipality for November.

The weekend is time for relaxing and to give participants a possibility to have guided tours (cultural visit 1 and cultural visit 2) visiting places where the historical and cultural Portuguese patrimony can be observed.

More details about the program will be announced later on and the ICP17 secretary staff will be in charge to update the information.